Wallet Balance

When placing an order, you can either pay through cash or app. wallet.
This section and following will show you how to check your wallet balance, fund your wallet or request for a cash-out.
Specifically, this section will show you how to get the user’s wallet balance

Here are the steps to follow

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here
  3. POST some data according to the table below
Field Sample Value Required Description
app_token 7B3qrzcB6HXduA2BXyQgkGnSpQ73k1ITc6UT3y0NgPogqYfrvn YES If user_type is regular then

User’s app token, as returned after account creation

Else if user_type is merchant

then merchant’s account token as generated by merchant
app_user 2348012345678 YES If user_type is regular then

User’s phone number as returned after account creation

Else if user_type is merchant

Merchant's account email address
user_type regular NO (YES for merchant users) Values can be either regular or merchant. This is the user type of the user for which balance is being requested. Default value is regular.

Users whose accounts were created from this API, will likely use the the regular value

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST "https://api.fastryders.com/user-orders/search-locations"
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"
  4. --form "phone_number=2348012345678"
  5. --form "app_token=7B3qrzcB6HXduA2BXyQgkGnSpQ73k1ITc6UT3y0NgPogqYfrvn"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success No errors found
        "balance": "0"

Add Funds

This section explains how to add funds to a user’s wallet

Here are the steps to follow

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here
  3. POST some data according to the table below
Field Sample Value Required Description
app_token 7B3qrzcB6HXduA2BXyQgkGnSpQ73k1ITc6UT3y0NgPogqYfrvn YES User’s app token, as returned after account creation
phone_number 2348012345678 YES User’s phone number as returned after account creation
amount 300 YES Amount to fund wallet with

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST "https://api.fastryders.com/user-orders/search-locations"
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"
  4. --form "phone_number=2348012345678"
  5. --form "app_token=7B3qrzcB6HXduA2BXyQgkGnSpQ73k1ITc6UT3y0NgPogqYfrvn"
  6. --form "amount=300"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success No errors found
        "balance": "0"