Account Registration

This section covers how to register a user account. This account (after a successful creation), will be used to place orders and every other request a user can do on the official mobile application

Here are the requirements:

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here
  3. POST some data according to the table below
Field Sample Value Required Description
full_name John Doe YES The new user's full name
phone_number 08012345678 YES The new user's local phone number (without the dialing code). Accepted values can be 08012345678 or without the leading zero (0), as in 8012345678
dialing_code +234 YES Accepted values are: +93, +358, +355, +213, +1684, +376, +244, +1264, +672, +1268, +54, +374, +297, +61, +43, +994, +1242, +973, +880, +1246, +375, +32, +501, +229, +1441, +975, +591, +387, +267, +47, +55, +246, +673, +359, +226, +257, +855, +237, +1, +238, +345, +236, +235, +56, +86, +61, +61, +57, +269, +242, +243, +682, +506, +225, +385, +53, +357, +420, +45, +253, +1767, +1849, +593, +20, +503, +240, +291, +372, +251, +500, +298, +679, +358, +33, +594, +689, +262, +241, +220, +995, +49, +233, +350, +30, +299, +1473, +590, +1671, +502, +44, +224, +245, +592, +509, +672, +379, +504, +852, +36, +354, +91, +62, +98, +964, +353, +44, +972, +39, +1876, +81, +44, +962, +7, +254, +686, +850, +82, +383, +965, +996, +856, +371, +961, +266, +231, +218, +423, +370, +352, +853, +389, +261, +265, +60, +960, +223, +356, +692, +596, +222, +230, +262, +52, +691, +373, +377, +976, +382, +1664, +212, +258, +95, +264, +674, +977, +31, +599, +687, +64, +505, +227, +234, +683, +672, +1670, +47, +968, +92, +680, +970, +507, +675, +595, +51, +63, +64, +48, +351, +1939, +974, +40, +7, +250, +262, +590, +290, +1869, +1758, +590, +508, +1784, +685, +378, +239, +966, +221, +381, +248, +232, +65, +421, +386, +677, +252, +27, +211, +500, +34, +94, +249, +597, +47, +268, +46, +41, +963, +886, +992, +255, +66, +670, +228, +690, +676, +1868, +216, +90, +993, +1649, +688, +256, +380, +971, +44, +1, +598, +998, +678, +58, +84, +1284, +1340, +681, +967, +260, +263
email NO User's email
referrer abcdef NO Referral code of another user who referred the current user

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST ""
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"
  4. --form "full_name=John Doe"
  5. --form "phone_number=08012345678"
  6. --form "dialing_code=234"

Call Responses

Response should be in JSON. Response with status error, should have message with description of the error

If you passed in a test token, you may get a response of status success, but no actual user account will be created

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success Account created successfully if LIVE TOKEN was passed
message User account created successfully - authentication code sent to supplied phone number Request description
data {
"app_token":"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "phone": "2348012345678"
KEY Description
app_token Generated app token for new account. Always supply this token for further request by this user

Resend Verification Code

If for any reason you decide to request for a new verification code like the one sent after user account registration, then this section covers how to do that.

Here are the requirements:

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here
  3. POST some data according to the table below
Field Sample Value Required Description
phone_number 2348012345678 YES Phone number that was returned when account was created

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST ""
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"
  4. --form "phone_number=2348012345678"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success OTP was sent successfully
message OTP sent Request description

Account Activation

This section covers how to activate a registered account.
Every account registered is first passive and can't be used for any transaction unless activated.
We do this to ensure a basic level of commitment from the user.

Upon a successful registration, an OTP is sent to the registered phone number (and the registered email address if supplied).
Supply this OTP to get your accounts activated. To do this,

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here
  3. POST some data according to the table below
Field Sample Value Required Description
phone_number 2348012345678 YES Phone number that was received (as phone field) upon successful account creation
otp 1234 YES The authentication code that was sent to the registered phone number upon successful account creation. For Test Transactions, use any digit

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST ""
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"
  4. --form "phone_number=2348012345678"
  5. --form "otp=1234"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success Verification was successful
message Verification was successful Request description
        "app_token": "bgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"

Phone No. Verification

This sction covers how to verify if a phone number is registered

Here are the requirements:

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here
  3. POST some data according to the table below
Field Sample Value Required Description
phone_number 2348012345678 YES Phone number in the format country_code and phone number without leading zero

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST ""
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"
  4. --form "phone_number=2348012345678"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success Request was successful
message Invalid phone Phone number is invalid
data Invalid phone
        "phone_status": "INVALID_PHONE"