List Service Areas

This section shows how to get a list of active service areas, that we currently support

Here are the steps to follow

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST ""
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success No errors found

            "state_name": "Lagos",
            "state_code": "LA",
            "country_name": "Nigeria",
            "country_code": "NG"
            "state_name": "Texas",
            "state_code": "TX",
            "country_name": "United States",
            "country_code": "US"
            "state_name": "Georgia",
            "state_code": "GA",
            "country_name": "United States",
            "country_code": "US"
            "state_name": "Ogun",
            "state_code": "OG",
            "country_name": "Nigeria",
            "country_code": "NG"
            "state_name": "California",
            "state_code": "CA",
            "country_name": "United States",
            "country_code": "US"
            "state_name": "Dubayy",
            "state_code": "DU",
            "country_name": "United Arab Emirates",
            "country_code": "AE"

List Order Delay Types

This section shows how to get a list of supported order delay times

Here are the steps to follow

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST ""
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success No errors found

Kindly use only values that are returned from this API call

ASAP means no delays

ANYTIME means order can return anytime

30 means delays for 30 minutes

180 means delay for 180 minutes

List Vehicle Types

This section shows how to get a list of supported vehicles, as well as their cost ratio as compared to bike cost for the same order conditions

Here are the steps to follow

  1. Make a POST request to the endpoint
  2. Authenticate the request as per directions here

Here is a sample API CALL

  1. curl --location --request POST ""
  2. --header "x-fastryders-token: FRYD-TEST-P2mJBDwqgbgJDM0lOOEp7Gv5cxDzycgJb0P90AS7"
  3. --header "Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VyIHBhc3N3b3Jk"

Call Responses

Here's is a typical success response expressed in a table with description

Key Sample value Description
status success No errors found

Label: The name of the vehicle type

Code: The code of the vehicle type. Use this in preferred_vehicle parameter to place orders

Cost ratio as it compares to bikes. A cost ratio of 1.25 means the cost of using this vehicle will be 1.25 as costly as the cost of using bikes to complete same order in same condition